Saturday 18th December - We held the Bushies Christmas Party at the picnic area in Rushworth Street - See the picture in What’s Happening.Tuesday 16th December Bob and Glen met with Michael Kennedy at the old Hymix site. Michael was able to show us the plans for a new Environmental Activities facility which he is planning to build on the old Hymix site. The discussion was concerning access options to Barungwarra and the new facility Saturday 19th November - More weeding and Wandering Jew removal. The Bushies Shed bed in now mostly clear of weeds.Wednesdat 16th Novenber - Bob and Glen attended the Gateway Motorway upgrade environmental meeting at the TMR depot at Deagon. The latest plans were discussed. This includes the expansion of the bruce highway into the area now occupied by Barungwarra Drive. Access to the Boat Ramp and the reserve will be further along Bald Hills RoadSatuday 16th October - We continued our work removing weeds from the Bushies Shed Garden. Our local Councillor, Sandy Landers came along to help us and also took some photos which you can check out here. The bed is now 80% clear, just one dense area to clear next month Saturday 18th September - More weeding and planting work. We had a new potential memberSaturday 21st August - We started work clearing weeds from the Bushes Shed bed. Managed to get approx 1/3 cleared with everyone pitching in. A couple of bushies took time out to plant some donated trees.Saturday 17th July - We met our new Brisbane Habitat contact - Ken. More work clearing of the beds including redistribution of fallen tree branches.Saturday 11th June - We met one week early because bob had a scout camp and Glen was heading off to Norfolk Island for a holiday. This was our fires meeting after the floods so we concentrated on clearing and tidying up the fallen trees and tree beds. Saturday 21th MaySaturd - Still no meeting - we wer advised that the container had been cleaned on 25th May.ay 15th April - no meeting as we are waiting for the container to be cleaned after the floods.Monday 7th March - Glen and Bob visited the park to assess the flood damage. Many photos were taken and these can be seen here.Tuesday 23rd February - a new team from Sandbag commenced work on the beds. we also have a visit from Bushtechnics who were working on the riverside beds.Saturday 19th February - Bushies Mick and Helen brought some shrubs so we planted these in various beds. We continued a general cleanup of weeds the area. Saturday 15th January - we worked on the Sandbag bed and on the Spoon Drain bed 2. Both these bed s are becoming overgrown with hairy Commelina (Wandering Dew). Our area co-ordinator attended and we discussed ways to control the pest..